
And I was shocked to see the mistakes of each generation will just fade like a radio station, if you just drive out of range... ~Ani DiFranco

Monday, February 7, 2011

Confessions of a no poo’er

That’s right, I said it…I no-poo.  SHAMPOO that is.

Today is 4 full weeks since I have used shampoo of any kind on my hair.  My last time to shampoo my hair was on January 10.

Candi, what in the world are you saying, you might ask.  Well, friend, I am glad you asked.

You see, I woke on the 10th, showered and washed the hair just as normal.  On the 11th, I didn’t go anywhere and therefore did not wash the hair.  It was that night that I came across the subject of no-poo’ing.  I was immediately intrigued and read many many postings in the particular conversation.  Some women said they had tried and couldn’t follow through on their well-intended project.  Others said they started and hated the results.  Others, though, said they absolutely loved their decision. 

There are many reasons one might choose to endeavor in eliminating shampoo from their personal product use, not the least of which is the environment.  Being a girl who has yet to figure out ways to try being greener that can fit into my lifestyle, not to mention one who consumes at least two bottles of shampoo monthly (we’re not talking the cheap stuff here either folks), I figured helping keep shampoo bottles out of the Earth’s landfills was a good start. 

This brings us to the 12th.  I rinsed my hair but didn’t shampoo.  Just decided to brush my hair out after blow drying it.  And that was the beginning of my commitment. 

Now, let me assure you that this little project is not one without trial…and um error.  I began the experiment with using a baking soda paste on my scalp and apple cider vinegar.  My hair was dry beginning about two inches out from my scalp all the way to the ends.  And apparently, went back and forth between smelling like easter eggs and a potato.  I know, exactly what every girl aspires to.  Not to mention avoiding sweating at all costs as this would result in instant greasies.

Fast forward.  My hair is now soft and healthy looking.  On any given day it smells like the lavender scented baking soda paste I use every third or every other day mixed with a little conditioner.  People who have known me quite a while are probably shocked reading this, as I am one of the most vain people I know about my hair.  I’ll admit it.

Without every day that goes by, though, I am proud of my decision and commitment to it.  I am even more proud as every Monday rolls around, and I’ve marked another week of no-poo days off the calendar.  So, here we are…going into week 5.  I’ll keep y’all updated, but this is one is a phase I intend on sticking with.


Monday, January 10, 2011

Just ‘cause I’m here…and I’m real *

It’s been a while. 

Life seems to have swept me up, as life may do from time to time.  My personal life went into a serious state of disarray for quite a while; though all seems to have settled into what is a nice, normal amount of chaos. 

Christmas has come and gone.  We are ten days into a new year with 355 to go.  I heard so many say how much 2010 “sucked” for them and they hoped 2011 was better.  And every time I saw this and variations of, my heart hurt a little.  And yet, I had to smile.  Not because I took pleasure in the misfortune or misery of any human being, but because to judge each year by the events that occupy it brings nothing but the wishing away of life.

We spend so much time in our lives wishing for something to come, we fail to enjoy what is.  We spend so much time wishing our lives away that we are shocked when we have none left.

We, as humans occupying this vast and beautiful planet, are here for one reason and one reason alone.  To experience life.  We are here for human experiences, both joyful and painful.  We are to feel each one of them, whether poignant or mundane, rather than longing for the next one to come along.

And we are to strive to leave our mark in a way that makes this place better for those who come after us.

For me, 2010 was full of many things.  Some painful, some joyful, some boring, and some chaotic.  I loved each one.  I am thankful for each one.  I would gladly experience every smile, every laugh, every tear, every grimace…every moment…simply to know I was here to experience it.  And I welcome 2011.  And every experience it will bring along.

And so, this is me.  Living life.  Whatever comes along.  I hope you will forgive the conventional and slightly cliche’d writing I have taken up space for today.  I hope you will forgive my abundant  us of the word “it” which I try to avoid at all times.  And I hope you will forgive the many sentences that begin with “and,” yet another writing faux pas.

Above all, I hope you enjoyed the moments you have.  Whether they are spent reading silly words on a screen or experiencing the most important events in your life.  Because you were here.  You did that thing.  You lived.

*Title taken from lyrics written by the always amazing Ani DiFranco.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Who thought Burger King could get scarier?

"The Burger King team excitedly told me that, once the liquor license arrives, beer will be a-flowin'."

Yep, direct quote. Don't believe me? Here's the link!

Oh, man, coming from a state that made a landmark out of this:

I'm really hoping this is not a national trend. Can you imagine the drive-thru orders? "Uh, yeah, gimme one-a them whopper meals. Make that extra extra large. With, uh... bud light. That'll do me...oh wait, lemme get one-a them hershey pies too........ you know what? Go ahead and just double that order."

Believe me, if this crosses the Mason Dixon Line, we are ALL in for it.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Standing still...I mean still standing!

Standing still is what I am not! I am struck how vastly different my life has become, not over time, but seemingly all at once. It is as if all the change I have known was coming, have anticipated, has built up over time and exploded. As overused as the analogy may be, I dare say like a bomb.

I don't mean to say this negatively. I don't view change as bad, I never have. Change is something I crave from time to time, change can be my only sane place within chaos. Nevertheless, just like when a real bomb explodes, anyone standing close by is bound to be hit with some shrapnel. There are hurts and losses with almost everything we come by in life. Most definitely when we come by change. I only hope that the people I love most walk away with few scars, and the people I have dedicated my life to helping survive the blast as well.

You should know that I do not mean this to single out any one event currently happening in my life, rather the entire universe around me as a whole. Perhaps I am the bomb, or maybe simply life. All I know is that detonation has occurred.

Duck and cover.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The ecstasy of life...

The ecstasy that is life is staggering.

That's what the point of all this is. Living. Life. Feeling the ecstasy through every high and low until the last wave has passed over us.

So many people miss out on so much living because they are trying to figure out what they are living toward. The present is the toward. The pain felt so deep it is exquisite, the thrill felt from your crown to your toes, the joy so great it seems unable to be contained by these shells of flesh we occupy...this is all the point.

The happiness of simple pleasures...sunshine on your face, the laughter of a child, the warm breeze, all of this is part of the ecstasy. The anger, the passion, the hurt, the rage...all incredibly beautiful ingredients of life. The grief, the tears, the seemingly unbearable pain. Without any of these the others would cease to exist, and life would simply fall away.

It isn't often I stop to be thankful for the whole picture around me, and yet I am ever aware.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

So this is the new blog...

I've been contemplating what to write to break my streak of NOT writing, and yet here I am still as blank as ever. So I decided to just wing it.

My last blog entry (way back when on MySpace) was on my daughter's birthday in October 2008. Been a good minute. I sigh when I think I used to write every couple of days, then it spaced out to once a week, then once a month, and now I'm not even writing once a year. So, this is me trying to fix that. I also have a birth blog on my website, which I hope to be re-inspired to post soon.

I've moved most of my old blogs over to this site. Feel free to go back and take a look, and drop me a line if you feel froggy.

Not sure what my upcoming blogs will look like, but I do have a few ideas. I will say blogging here rather than on MySpace is a little exciting and nerve wracking all at once. Exciting because MySpace is seriously a tool. Nerve wracking because on MS I was fairly anonymous but had lovely, faithful readers. I have no idea if anyone will read, comment, or subscribe here. And still I will continue to write and post, regardless if every word is utter shit.

To start things off, here is my promise. Sometimes I will make you mad, sometimes I will make you laugh, sometimes I will make you yawn. I am witty, fun, serious, angry, carefree, troubled, boring, exciting, bitchy, kind, confident, and afraid all in one. This is me. Take me or leave me, love me or hate me. I'll still be me. And as always, I try not to suck.


Friday, October 24, 2008

So today is...

Another kid's birthday. My oldest is turning 8 today. Which means I have been a mother full-fledged for 8 years today.

My life changed when I became a mother. I changed. The first words I said to my daughter were, "I promise I will protect you every day of my life." I didn't know before her that it was possible to love another human being so completely.

Her birth changed me. Her birth was the catalyst into making me who and what I am today. It wasn't a shiny happy story like my other two births. It was hard on me on so many levels, the birth itself and adjusting to being responsible for a tiny little person. I owe so much to this person, this one who I was supposed to have been taken care of all this time. Today I wonder if she's possibly been taking care of me?

Happy birthday Kierstyn, my beautiful one. I love you with every fiber of my being and I cannot wait to see where this life takes you.