The FDA has approved the use of a "pearly" pigment that can now be used in any medication to make it have a irradescent sheen. No, I'm not kidding.
The substance is made from minerals and can be added to any drug, though it cannot make up more than three percent of the drug's weight. Don't worry though, the substance carries "no toxic potential when ingested at levels estimated by the agency."
We don't have enough in our bodies? We need to add more minerals, more metals? Does nobody see the problem here? I mean do we really need Tylenol setting off airport metal detectors?
I just cannot help but take issue with this whole thing.
I mean, as if pharmaceutical companies aren't rich enough. We are giving them permission to add something absolutely not necessary and you bet your ass they will mark up prices for it. I mean, somebody has to pay for the sparklies! I don't think they are having trouble selling their products. Last time I checked we were pumping everybody full of every pill we can think of. Kids are hyper, learning deficit, depressed, and anxious and we have pills for it. Hell, we have pills for adults who are those things too. We have pills to make sex good, fix the fact that you've taken crappy care of yourself, oh yeah, and to keep your legs from tingling. Pills are used to fix everything, even things they weren't intended for. Is it really so important that they look pretty too?
I can see it now, Jane Doe, suicidal over the fact that her boyfriend cheated on her (again), dances around the room in her fuzzy pink robe with an apple martini and mascara pooled around her eyes thicker than a drag queen tearfully singing "I Feel Pretty" and popping her pretty, shiny, little pink pill. Marvelous.
I hope they super childproof this shit, my five year old loves shiny things.
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