
And I was shocked to see the mistakes of each generation will just fade like a radio station, if you just drive out of range... ~Ani DiFranco

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I've been tagged...

...and well, I never pass up a challenge. And even though I've done this before, I'll try to come up with ten completely new weird/random facts about me.

Alright folks, hold on to your panties.

1. I am a complete and total word whore. Anybody ever seen the movie
Threesome? Remember the chick that can orgasm from hearing big words? Yeah, total word whore.

2. I call everybody by southern pet names. For example: baby, sweetie, sweetheart, hon, honey, and yes...sometimes sugar.

3. I love love love giving birth, however I do not enjoy parenting as much as I thought I would. Nobody ever told me how difficult of a job it truly is.

4. Before you hate me for 3, I will add that though hard as hell parenting is also the coolest thing ever.

5. I constantly contradict myself. (Reread 3 & 4 if you don't belive me.) This is the true meaning of the Gemini twins btw, dual personalities.

6. I've had two near death experiences. One was a car accident 4 days before I turned 18 in which someone was killed (obviously not me) and the other was riding a 3-wheeler when I was a teenager. I was supposed to ramp and didn't, which almost sent the bike forward on top of my unprotected head and neck.

7. I can be very easily swayed from my opinions most of the time if your arguement is good enough.

8. I like arguing. A lot.

9. There are two things that make me happier than anything else on the face of the earth: ice cream cones & the movie
Dirty Dancing.

10. I broke my best friend's finger when I was 15...on purpose.

And if you've ever read one of my tag blogs...then you know how it ends. I tag....nobody. Stop the insanity!!!

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