
And I was shocked to see the mistakes of each generation will just fade like a radio station, if you just drive out of range... ~Ani DiFranco

Friday, January 25, 2008

Another reminder of why I do this

Birth, that is.

I had another birth this week. This one was emotional and hard, and did not have the most desired outcome. A healthy baby and mother were both had though.

In speaking with mom at her postpartum visit yesterday I was once again reminded of why I do birth. And of why I love women.

We are a strong species, the fairer sex. We are looked at as the less strong, the needy, etc...when that couldn't be farther from the truth. We are stronger than any man I've ever met. And really, I completely understand why the oldest religions worshipped the feminine. We should be worshipped.

I bear the image of Isis on my right shoulder blade. She is the mother goddess, the goddess of the feminine. I wear her permanently on my body as a reminder of just how strong we are. I see her strength in each women I am blessed enough to serve. I see her strength in myself. I am proud of being a part of this fairer sex.

I told someone close to me last year that I found pain to be the most beautiful state of existence. This is because of the strength of these women. My job is to be with women in pain. Not to sit with them and cluck and pity their pain. My job is to actually be present with them, to share their energy and let them know they are not alone in what they are experiencing. A woman in pain will open her soul to you at the exact moment she wants to shut down, if you will be present with her. It is at the point I see strength, without fail. And it is beautiful.

My heart is full this week from the strength of birth, of the feminine. And once again I remember why I do what I do.

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