
And I was shocked to see the mistakes of each generation will just fade like a radio station, if you just drive out of range... ~Ani DiFranco

Friday, July 6, 2007

You silly lesbians

So I just got through reading a story covering Bill O'Reilly's piece on "pistol-packing lesbians".

Let me give you the highlights:

Pink pistols
Gays Taking Over (GTO)
Dykes Taking Over (DTO) - coincidentally my favorite
Young girls being assaulted and "recruited" in to the gay lifestyle
Straight men being randomly attacked

And apparently, this a NATIONWIDE epidemic. RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!

This reminds me so much of that game we all played as kids. Rumor. Where you sit in a circle and whisper something to the person next to you, they whisper it to the person next to them, so on and so on then the last person says it outloud and it is completely different than how it began. The whole thing just seems like a sad cross between Thelma & Louise and some lesbian movie and I'm sure exists.

And really? Who honestly believes there are huge groups of dykes going around attacking young girls and STRAIGHT men. I mean really.

As silly as the story is, I have to say this one line made the entire thing worth reading.

And these are lesbians that actually carry pistols.

Gasp! There are actually lesbians who carry pistols?! I mean because they would never have a need for personal protection. What will they do next? Silly lesbians with their pink pistol hijinks.

I'm in complete awe that this man still has viewers.

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