
And I was shocked to see the mistakes of each generation will just fade like a radio station, if you just drive out of range... ~Ani DiFranco

Monday, March 5, 2007

Generation WTF???

So I spent Saturday night with a bunch of kids. I mean a BUNCH of them. All teenagers. All the time.

This was a CD release party for a local teen Christian metal band. The stuff these kids play is pretty hardcore, talented, but still hardcore. They're great kids. Seriously. Their generation though, let me just say WOW.

First let me say, we need to revisit hygeine. Small room, 150+ kids, I cannot even begin to describe to you the smell. And a little shampoo never hurt either. Now let me tell you a little about their idea of "dancing". What these kids were doing can only be described as a heavy metal line dance. I am not exaggerating by saying it looked like the Running Man and Roger Rabbit on crystal meth. I have never seen so many kids at one time looking like they belonged on the short bus. For the first time in my entire life I actually wanted to headbang just because I could and it seemed as if it would restore some type of sanity to the situation. Or maybe bang my head against the wall. Either way. I could do the Macarena, the Tootsie Roll, the Roger Rabbit, the Cabbage Patch, the Butterfly, and even line dance with the best of them. But this, this escaped me.

Watching this crowd, I felt like I was observing another culture. I guess in a way I was. But honestly I felt like I should have had a notebook to document my findings. The strangeness was too vast to list. Let me end by saying, gender roles have escaped this generation. Many of the boys looked very feminine, and were well past puberty. A few had their jeans rolled up capri style, and wore belts that looked like women's belts.

You know I grew up in Generation "X". We were supposed to be the weird ones. The ones no one got. I'm guessing as we run our of alphabet things just turn into chaos. I've decided my kids aren't allowed to be teenagers. And if I have no control over that, you can bet they aren't allowed to have friends! I sure won't be able to stand any that aren't mine!!!

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