
And I was shocked to see the mistakes of each generation will just fade like a radio station, if you just drive out of range... ~Ani DiFranco

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Oscar

I thought I'd take the time tonight to share some things with you that piss me off. I'm doing this because, well, instead of going off on someone. Enjoy!

Doctors - So really it's no secret that I'm not a fan of doctors. You may not know that but that's just because I haven't told you, not because it's a secret. But really I'm not anti-doctor as much as I am anti-stupidity. I have found that MOST doctors will tell you what they think you want to hear, or what they want you to hear rather than the truth. They go to school for many years and pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to become liars, stupid liars at that.

Spam - I really really hate spam. Of the mail variety not the canned meat. That kind of spam rocks my socks off. What? Various animal parts minced together in a can doesn't do it for you? Oh, well.

Judgement of any form - I really cannot stand for people to think they are better than other people. Don't point fingers at other people when you are just like they are, only worse. Because at least they don't lie about who they are. Even worse, don't do this under the guise of righteousness.

Sharing milk - on cereal, in a glass, ice cream, whatever. Everybody in my family knows if they want milk they can just take a drink of mine and the rest of the glass is theirs. Disgusting.

Having to look things up, because I really do think I should know everything.

The word "booze".

Twisty ties.

Bratty kids.

People who call my kids bratty.

Mispronunciation. Yes this from the one who said vine-yard.

Sheep. Why? Because I'm not a sheep.

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