It’s been a while.
Life seems to have swept me up, as life may do from time to time. My personal life went into a serious state of disarray for quite a while; though all seems to have settled into what is a nice, normal amount of chaos.
Christmas has come and gone. We are ten days into a new year with 355 to go. I heard so many say how much 2010 “sucked” for them and they hoped 2011 was better. And every time I saw this and variations of, my heart hurt a little. And yet, I had to smile. Not because I took pleasure in the misfortune or misery of any human being, but because to judge each year by the events that occupy it brings nothing but the wishing away of life.
We spend so much time in our lives wishing for something to come, we fail to enjoy what is. We spend so much time wishing our lives away that we are shocked when we have none left.
We, as humans occupying this vast and beautiful planet, are here for one reason and one reason alone. To experience life. We are here for human experiences, both joyful and painful. We are to feel each one of them, whether poignant or mundane, rather than longing for the next one to come along.
And we are to strive to leave our mark in a way that makes this place better for those who come after us.
For me, 2010 was full of many things. Some painful, some joyful, some boring, and some chaotic. I loved each one. I am thankful for each one. I would gladly experience every smile, every laugh, every tear, every grimace…every moment…simply to know I was here to experience it. And I welcome 2011. And every experience it will bring along.
And so, this is me. Living life. Whatever comes along. I hope you will forgive the conventional and slightly cliche’d writing I have taken up space for today. I hope you will forgive my abundant us of the word “it” which I try to avoid at all times. And I hope you will forgive the many sentences that begin with “and,” yet another writing faux pas.
Above all, I hope you enjoyed the moments you have. Whether they are spent reading silly words on a screen or experiencing the most important events in your life. Because you were here. You did that thing. You lived.
*Title taken from lyrics written by the always amazing Ani DiFranco.